Technical Stuff

Here you can learn about setting a website, how to use various platforms for content creation, advertising and other technical stuff.

Dall-e 2 review written by OpenAI (and edited by human)

“Experience the power of AI with Dall-e 2 – the ultimate review companion!” Introduction Dall-e is a new artificial intelligence (AI) system developed by OpenAI, a research lab based in San Francisco. It is designed to generate images from natural language descriptions. This review will discuss the features of Dall-e, its potential applications, and its …

Dall-e 2 review written by OpenAI (and edited by human) Read More »

ChatGPT review written by OpenAI (and edited by human)

“ChatGPT: Get the Most Out of Your Reviews!” Introduction ChatGPT is a natural language processing (NLP) chatbot that uses a deep learning-based approach to generate conversations. It is designed to provide a conversational experience that is both natural and engaging. This review will provide an overview of the features and capabilities of ChatGPT, as well …

ChatGPT review written by OpenAI (and edited by human) Read More »

book editing

10 Valuable Grammarly Alternatives (Tested and True)

If your job requires a lot of emails and other writing, then you’ve almost definitely heard of Grammarly. Even if you are a professional writer, you’ve probably used Grammarly to check spelling, grammar, and other stylistic concepts. Grammarly is a fantastic piece of software, and it’s not surprising that it dominates the market as one …

10 Valuable Grammarly Alternatives (Tested and True) Read More »

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