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If your job requires a lot of emails and other writing, then you’ve almost definitely heard of Grammarly. Even if you are a professional writer, you’ve probably used Grammarly to check spelling, grammar, and other stylistic concepts.
Grammarly is a fantastic piece of software, and it’s not surprising that it dominates the market as one of the most popular writing and grammar programs out there. Grammarly is so popular that it would not be surprising if you have never even heard about the alternatives.
But just because Grammarly is popular, it doesn’t mean it is without flaws. Grammarly is not the best option for everyone. Especially if you are on a tighter budget, Grammarly premium can get way too expensive.
So if you’ve been curious about what other writing programs are out there, keep reading to check out our list of some of the best Grammarly alternatives.
10 Grammarly Alternatives
It’s easy to choose something because everyone else is doing it, which is probably why Grammarly is so popular. But you are here because you know that being popular doesn’t always mean the best.
Every spelling and grammar software will have its ups and downs, and after reading this and experimenting, you might still decide on Grammarly. But before you do so, consider some of these top Grammarly alternatives.

1. ProWritingAid
ProWritingAid is writing software that dates back to 2012. It can check spelling and grammar as well as guides to writing in a variety of styles. You can think of this software as your AI writing coach.
It features a word explorer that helps you find more diverse and impactful words in your writing—no more using the same boring adjectives all of the time. ProWritingAid also features a customizable style guide that will sync up the style of writing you want across your entire team.
Some of the pros of this software include:
- Excellent spelling and grammar ability
- Powerful style suggestions that you can customize
- Writing reports that go into depth about the problems in your writing
- Plugins are available to integrate with almost any writing software out there.
- ProWritingAid is one of the more affordable options.
And some of the downsides to ProWritingAid are:
- It can run slower than Grammarly
- There is not currently any integration with mobile devices.
Generally speaking, ProWritingAid is one of the more powerful Grammarly alternatives. Even if it is somewhat slower, the lower price means it is much more affordable for you.

2. Reedsy Book Editor
The Reedsy Book Editor might not be as powerful as some of the grammar and style checkers in this list, but it’s still worth considering. It has a powerful spell checker that is customizable—you can essentially make a personal dictionary as you use it more.
And this Reedsy Book Editor is not just a way to proofread and check your spelling. The software also takes care of formatting automatically, making it well suited for writers working on an eBook. Just choose a theme for your eBook, and the Reedsy software will automatically format it to look like a professionally published book.
And best of all, this software is entirely free. If price is your main concern, it can’t hurt to try this Grammarly alternative.
The main pros are:
- It’s free.
- The software will format and convert your writing to be eBook-ready.
- Edit collaboratively with your editors and co-authors.
- Customizable dictionary
The main cons are:
- It does not check grammar and style the way other software does.
- You cannot leave comments and track changes
- There is no automatic saving of version history.
The Reedsy Book Editor does not come with the powerful AI grammar and style features that many of these other programs have, but it is free. And if you are stuck and need some more intense editing, there is a marketplace built directly into the software where you can find a professional editor to help you out.

3. Ginger
Ginger dates back to 2007, which means its developers have had a lot of time to optimize and tweak how it checks your writing. Like Grammarly, you can do basic spelling and grammar checks for free, and their more advanced features come at a charge.
Ginger has extensions for Chrome and other browsers, and it has mobile apps as well. One of the more notable features is that Ginger has a translator built directly into the software. Having the ability to check English grammar while also translating makes Ginger particularly great for ESL writers.
The pros of Ginger include:
- It has a robust and long-standing spelling and grammar checker.
- It can rephrase your sentences to sound better, including with English idioms.
- Customizable and personal dictionary
- It has a free version that is still full of a lot of features.
Some of the downsides of Ginger are:
- No integration with Google Docs
- It has a less intuitive workflow than Grammarly
- No desktop app for Mac users
Like any of these writing programs, you’ll have to weigh the pros and cons before deciding if Ginger is right for you. While it might not be as robust as Grammarly, it does have a much more affordable price point if you commit for the year which makes it one of the top Grammarly alternatives.

4. Scrivener
Scrivener is one of the more complex Grammarly alternatives. It is essentially a word processing program with the bonus of an integrated and powerful spelling and grammar checker. Although the latest version is not yet available on Windows, you can download Scrivener on Windows and Mac.
Scrivener is ideal for professional writers who are putting out a lot of words. Whether it be a play, a novel, or just a lot of research/notes, Scrivener keeps you organized. It gives you a birds-eye view of your project, no matter how long it is. Scrivener is designed explicitly with the novel writer in mind, so don’t write this one off thinking that it is just a word processor—it is much more than that.
Some of the top features of Scrivener are:
- It uses intuitive organization for all of the details that go into long-form writing.
- There’s a one-time purchase fee, as opposed to the subscription model of other software.
- Free trial (30 days)
- It has a customizable interface
- It comes loaded with templates to help you get straight to your writing.
Some of the downsides of Scrivener include:
- The complex interface will be difficult to learn for some people.
- Only professional writers will need all of the features.
- The spelling and grammar checker is not as powerful as other tools like Grammarly.
- The high initial cost might be a turn-off for some people.
Scrivener is optimized for organization, outlining, and planning. If you’re a professional writer working on long-form work with lots of research, this software could be a lifesaver and will be worth the cost.
But if you’re looking for Grammarly alternatives to check shorter essays, emails, etc., this software might be a bit complex for you.

5. Whitesmoke
Whitesmoke began back in 2002 as proofreading software. And since then, it has undergone some changes internally and externally. If it’s been a while since you have checked them out, it’s worth seeing Whitesmoke’s updated user interface before you write this one-off.
Whitesmoke is one of the cheapest spelling and grammar checkers out there, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s bad. It has an accurate checker for spelling and grammar, and unlike some other Grammarly alternatives, ProWritingAid has mobile apps.
Whitesmoke has three paid tiers, which means you will likely find the version most suited to your needs. Even the lowest tier, Whitesmoke Essential, includes a translator and a plagiarism checker.
Some of the pros of Whitesmoke include:
- It is way more affordable than Grammarly
- It has tiered plans so that you can upgrade as needed.
- The spelling and grammar checker is powerful and accurate.
- Unlike Scrivener, the interface is simple and easy to use.
- There are free templates included.
Some of the cons of Whitesmoke include:
- There is no monthly subscription option—you can only pay for yearly subscriptions.
- The software runs slowly compared to competitors like Grammarly.
- Unlike Grammarly, Whitesmoke forces users to export the spelling and grammar changes into a new text document.
For those of you on the tightest of budgets, Whitesmoke is one of the cheapest Grammarly alternatives. While it does not have the speed and accuracy of some Grammarly alternatives, the software is still dependable and gets the job done.
And between its long list of integrations, browser extensions, and mobile applications, it is both a cheap and flexible option.

6. is an AI writing assistant designed for professional copywriters and other business-oriented writers. You can use this software to write inside your business, such as HR documentation and training materials. Or you can use the tool to make sure the writing you send out to customers—email marketing, product support, etc.—is professional and on point. is one of the Grammarly alternatives that helps you maintain a consistent writing style and strategy across your entire business. And the feedback that the software gives you can be specific to your brand, something Grammarly does not offer.
And if speed and workflow are essential for you, there are features in that you need to know about. Firstly, you can set certain mistakes to autocorrect as you type. This automation saves crucial time during the editing process. And secondly, you can create and save blocks of text that you often reuse so that you and your team can use the same professional language in one click.
The standout features of are:
- It has businesses and commercial copy editing in mind.
- Integrated snippets, autocorrect, and autocomplete to optimize the workflow of you and your team.
- It integrates with Chrome, Word, Outlook, and Google Docs.
- You can customize a style/voice for your brand/company.
- A free version that includes the spelling, grammar, and punctuation checker
A few of the downsides of include:
- There’s currently no mobile app.
- The free version is missing most of the features that are great for businesses.
- As a Grammarly alternative, it’s not necessarily cheaper.
- It is not well suited for non-professional or non-commercial writing.
If you’re looking for Grammarly alternatives for your business or organization, you should consider It has a tiered pricing system that will match your needs, and the ability to customize a style and tone for your company is priceless.

7. SpellCheckPlus
If you speak English as a second language and need help with spelling and grammar, SpellCheckPlus is worth looking into. Grammarly is expensive and optimized for an editing workflow. But SpellCheckPlus is more like a writing tutor that goes into more detail about what’s wrong with your writing.
Unlike Grammarly, Ginger, or ProWritingAid, this software isn’t for editing large chunks of writing. Instead, you paste in small excerpts of writing to check your spelling and grammar mistakes little by little. And this slower pace works great for those who write slowly and want to improve their English.
Compared to many other Grammarly alternatives in this article, it is a relatively simple software that doesn’t have so many features. But it is simple to use and corrects your mistakes quickly. And best of all it is completely free.
The main benefits of SpellCheckPlus are:
- It is optimized for ESL writers trying to improve their language and grammar skills.
- The software explains why your grammar was wrong and helps you find new words.
- It is completely free
- The simplicity of the software means it runs fast.
The downsides of SpellCheckPlus include:
- Compared with other programs, it lacks many features.
- It is not designed for lengthy excerpts of writing—you can only check 2000 characters at a time.
- The software does not allow for customization of writing styles or dictionaries.
The main benefits of SpellCheckPlus are its price point—it’s free—and the way it gives explanations for its corrections. For someone writing slowly, this can be a great way to improve your grammar for free. But if you need to write longer pieces, this software probably will not be enough and you should look into some other Grammarly alternatives.

8. Reverso
Reverso, like the name implies, is primarily intended for spelling and grammar checks in between languages. Google translate is impressive and works well some of the time, but for complicated sentences and correct grammar, it is clumsy and awkward.
But Reverso uses actual translations from the internet to figure out the most natural and fluent way to translate your text. You end up with a translation that, although not a human professional translator, sounds impressively lifelike for being an AI translator.
So if you know that you will consistently be working between different languages and will need to check spelling and grammar in them, consider checking out Reverso.
The pros of Reverso include:
- It checks the spelling and grammar of your writing.
- Accurate and natural-sounding language translations
- It works with Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.
- It is free to use.
Some cons of Reverso are:
- There is a 600-word limit—not great for longer pieces of writing.
- It does not have any enterprise solutions.
- Grammar correction is not extensive.
Again, Reverso is a great resource for people needing to translate. It does this in a more natural and grammatically correct way than Google translate, and the price is free. But do be aware that it does not have a grammar checker that is as extensive as Grammarly.

9. Hemingway Editor
Named after the famous author Ernest Hemingway, this software is designed to help you with your sentence structure and writing style. It finds overly complex sentences, overuse of the passive voice, and unnecessary adverbs and highlights these problems in different colors.
The main goal of the Hemingway Editor is not to fix your grammar but rather to improve your writing. It helps the editing stage by showing you where your paper is awkward and highlighting the most likely spots that will smooth out your writing.
If you find that you are constantly struggling with clunky writing, give Hemingway Editor a try. It works equally well for fiction and non-fiction, and it’s free to use through a web browser.
The benefits of Hemingway Editor are:
- It clears up your writing by fixing sentence structure and removing unnecessary words.
- The interface is straightforward—different problems are highlighted in varying colors.
- It works equally well for fiction and non-fiction.
- It makes the editing stage more accessible and efficient.
- It is free to use through a web browser.
The downsides of Hemingway Editor include:
- It is not a grammar checker—it is more of a complement to your grammar program.
- It does not give suggestions for how to fix your awkward sentences.
- Unlike other paid grammar checkers, it does not provide detailed reports on your writing.
It is probably best to think of this software as a complement to your spelling and grammar checker like Grammarly, rather than a stand-alone Grammarly alternative. Since it is free to use on the web, it can’t hurt to check it out and see if it improves your writing.
And if you like it, you can pay for the desktop application so that you can use it on the go and without an internet connection.

10. Antidote
Antidote is like the software version of a personal writing assistant. It features a spelling and grammar checker that does much more than check for correctness—it also points out when you overuse words and when you use boring words. And its powerful dictionary allows you to search terms and their alternate forms directly in the editor.
Antidote also comes with 11 detailed guides that walk you through all of the grammar rules and their exceptions. And perhaps most uniquely, Antidote works equally well in English and French. Especially if you are writing in both of these languages, their dictionary will help you with word etymology and even pronunciation.
You can use this software directly in your web browser, or you can download the application if you prefer to write offline.
The main benefits of Antidote are:
- A powerful spelling and grammar checker
- It works in both English and French.
- There is a dictionary built into the interface—it includes 115,000 words and 28,000 proper nouns.
- It comes with grammar guides to explain the rules.
The downsides of Antidote include:
- Large application size (when using offline)
- It only offers yearly subscriptions or a one-time purchase.
The most unique feature of Antidote is the powerful dictionary that is built right into the editor. If you are working in both English and French and one of those languages is weaker for you, the flexible dictionary option will for sure make Antidote the Grammarly alternative for you.
Things to Consider
Now that you’ve seen some examples of alternatives to the Grammarly software, let’s point out a few things that are worth considering before you move forward with your choice.
Firstly, make a note of the programs that offer a free trial. Even though it is an investment of time, it will be worth it to try these programs for yourself before you decide to pay. Secondly, narrow down your list by your specific needs. For example, if you know that you will be working between many languages, options like Ginger, SpellCheckPlus, and Reverso will be best for you.
You should never forget that a checker like Grammarly (or these alternatives) corrects your writing on the surface level. You should use them, but studies show that you still need human instructors to get deeper insights. Considering this, a service like the Reedsy Book Editor is worth considering because of its marketplace of professional editors.
And lastly, remember that you can always combine different services. For example, you can use Grammarly’s free version and the paid version of one of its alternatives. This approach will give you the most personalized and customized writing program.
There’s no doubt that Grammarly, with its over 30 million customers, dominates the spelling and grammar checking market. But that does not mean that you have to use that by default. There are a variety of Grammarly alternatives that do the same job or better.
Hopefully, this article has given you some alternatives to think about. So work out your specific needs and consider trying out one of the Grammarly alternatives!
Related post: Honest Grammarly Review (Tested in 2021)